Monday, August 4, 2008

my goals in life..

From childhood, I dreamt of becoming a nurse someday. I was pushed to this ambition when I saw my mother sick one day when I was young and I didn't know what to do. So I chose being a nurse someday because I want that if ever my family would be sick or will have some illnesses someday, I would be the one to take care of them. In being a nurse, I would know what to do in taking care of them. Now, I am doing my best for me to be successful with this goals in life. In fulfilling these dreams, I always say 'go on..this is will always prepare challenges for you..'. People say you should always be a positive thinker in order for you to go on with life; no doubts and others.


CHERWAI said...

Yes. Go on. This is your life. It's nice that you have that ambition because you want to help a family member ease the pain. Work on it now.

amy said...

pyta nga nurse haan nga doctor??

lacus.. said...

tay man likes..sayang met nu adik ituloy ket ayaka et nurses cna..aki5